

Next-generation platform principle - disruptive and trend-setting.

MACH stands for microservices, API-first, cloud-native and headless. All of these technology approaches have been established for years, but only develop their full impact when consistently combined.

Complex functional requirements and omnichannel scenarios cannot be mapped with traditional, monolithic CMSs. The requirements for data sources, business processes and different channels in which the target group expects consistent experiences are too diverse. A fast time to market requires the decoupling of front-end, back-end and third-party systems; parallel development and high composability are prerequisites for fast innovation cycles.

MACH is more than HEADLESS

While headless CMSs are “only” concerned with the management and API-based provision of content, the MACH architecture goes much further and also defines interface and operating principles for third-party systems that must be adhered to. MACH relies uncompromisingly on native SaaS services to ensure elastic scalability and that the platform is always up to date. This relieves the burden on customers' IT departments, but also forces all services involved to be outsourced to the cloud. By splitting the functionality into individual microservices, business processes can be developed, provided and managed in parallel and independently of each other.


  • Small independent teams work in parallel on different API-based services

  • Easy deployment & testing via different channels

  • Agile collaboration with PoC & MVP instead of fixed price project & go-live deadline

  • Continuous development instead of greenfield relaunch every 5 years


  • Less dependency on manufacturers (vendor lock-in)

  • High composability instead of proprietary monoliths

  • Standardized technology stacks (frameworks & APIs)

  • Free choice of frontend, backend, DXPen, services and teams

  • Fast time to market


MACH only works “completely or not at all”... The principle thrives on an uncompromising approach and only then unfolds its full effect. Not every organization is ready for this and cannot fully implement the principles in the short term. An agile way of working and a modular stack are important prerequisites.  

Alternative concepts also open up a wide range of possibilities compared to traditional approaches, without completely negating the on-premise world of customers, for example. For complex B2B scenarios in particular, this can be a pragmatic interim step to adapt technology and organization to the new paradigms and ensure a smoother transition process.


Curious? Undecided? Let us find out whether MACH is right for you right now! As a manufacturer-independent multi-vendor agency, we can provide impartial advice, pass on our know-how and point out pragmatic solutions.

Portrait photo of Alexander Dohmen
Alexander DohmenCEO at Intentive

MACH is the uncompromising combination of all current standards. We have had experience with API-based concepts since 2009 and with the MACH architecture since 2015 - at that time without the defined MACH term. We know the needs and requirements of our customers and provide neutral and unbiased advice.